Show Your Donors Authentic Appreciation and Loyalty Will Follow

Appreciation is foundational to a positive donor experience, increasing engagement, and ultimately driving in more donations per donor.

We've found that by sharing an authentic, personal video message of gratitude and identifying a shared purpose with donors, your blood center can increase reschedule rate!

By focusing this outreach on your highest value donors, we're able to create real, lasting loyalty. The impact your community could feel from getting a first-time donor back again within the same year is substantial. The result of an O donor increasing their frequency of donating is significant. Acknowledging the gift your reactivated donors have given will make a difference in your collections.


Personalized Thank You Video Examples


First-time donors

Hello there! My name is Shaun and I wanted to welcome YOU to our blood center family! We just wanted to take a minute to tell you how much we truly appreciate your first donation with us and look forward to the continued life-saving you will be doing! Each time you donate we are able to send life-saving blood to a local hospital and save up to THREE lives - YOU DID THAT! Thank you for your donation and we look forward to seeing you soon!


Reactivated Donor

Hello - my name is Amanda and I wanted to personally take a minute to thank you for coming back and donating with our blood center!

So, I am sure you have seen this before, but with your blood type you are one of a kind - being able to help EVERYONE in times of need is a BIG DEAL. Your blood is critical in trauma cases in which every second counts. Such a small percentage has your blood type and I cannot thank you enough for coming back and ensuring we have a safe supply!

Thank you again for your donation and we look forward to seeing you again soon! BYE


Special Donation types: Double Reds Donor

Hello there! My name is Laney and I am just reaching out from our blood center to say THANK YOU for your amazing double red cell donation! Your most recent donation of a double red cell ensures we have enough red blood cells to be transfused to two different patients in just that one donation - that is wonderful! With your blood type, this type of donation is crucial to ensure we have a safe blood supply!

Now, I did want to let you know, that since you donated on January 25th your next available donation would be in 16 weeks which would be any time after May 17th, but we would love to get you scheduled soon to ensure you stay on target to save as many lives as possible this year!

Again, my name is Laney and if you need anything at all you can give us a call or text anytime at 330-649-8000 or visit us at Thank you again for being a double red cell donor, and we look forward to seeing you again soon! BYE


Committed donor

Hello! My name is Sarah and I am just reaching out from the blood center to say THANK YOU for your continued commitment to the blood center and your community! Coming in as often as you do ensures we have a safe supply of blood for those in need in our area and I am sure you hear this often, but THANK YOU FOR SAVING LIVES!

Now, I did want to let you know, that since you donated on January 25th your next available donation would be ANYTIME after March 22nd, but we would love to get you scheduled soon to ensure you stay on target to save as many lives as possible this year! So, in the comments below you will find a link that you can go ahead and get yourself scheduled, or give us a call any time at 330-649-8000 to get you scheduled.

Again, my name is Sarah and if you need anything at all you can give us a call or text anytime at 330-649-8000 or visit us at Thank you again for being a committed donor to our blood center and we look forward to seeing you again soon! BYE


Launch A Gratitude Program

Partner with Incept to create custom or semi-custom videos to let your donors know how much they mean to you.

If you'd like to talk through how these strategies can be applied to your own donor base, please feel free to submit an inquiry in the form below. We'd be happy to help in any way that we can.



About Incept

Incept’s donor-centric, data-driven approach helps deliver the right message, using the right platform, to the right donor, at the right time, helping improve the outcome of donor interactions and create a consistent and predictable daily inventory that matches our client’s needs.

We help our clients solve their donor experience challenges—no matter how large or small, how complex or unique. We don’t settle for merely reaching business goals. Our leadership, talent, and culture are designed to deliver continuous improvement and business transformation.



  • We’ve shaped a different future for donor recruitment that’s no longer based on a one-size-fits-all tele-recruitment approach, but rather a multi-channel strategy that engages donors where they want to be engaged.

  • We have a client coalition of more than 20 blood centers that we’re able to test and scale our multi-channel learnings with, helping us solve donor recruitment challenges quickly and apply unique industry learnings across our campaigns to drive in more blood donations for each of our clients.

  • We price our blood donor recruitment per productive donor, meaning you only pay when we're successful. This includes tele-recruitment and expands to 6+ channels at no additional cost. Channels include text, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and more - all for the same price.

  • Ultimately, we help our clients create a consistent and predictable daily inventory that matches their needs.