How To Assign Donation Sites In Blood Donor Recruitmen

When a blood donor is ready to schedule an appointment, the following guidelines will help you to determine the best site. Above all, remember to put the donor’s needs and wishes first – a very important rule in blood donor recruitment. Review the last three locations where this donor has donated. Depending on your strategy, you can take one of tw0 approaches at this point.

If Giving Mobile Drives The Priority

  1. In looking at the last three donation locations, if a drive is coming up in the next 30 days that the donor has previously attended, offer that drive as your first location offer. If the mobile drive is more than four weeks away, suppress the donor’s record until the drive is within the 30-day window.
  2. If there is no upcoming mobile drive that the donor has previously attended, but there is a donor center in their last three locations, offer that donor center.
  3. If the donor has not previously donated at a donor center, assign him or her to a donor center nearest their home based on zip code.
  4. If the donor is assigned to a donor center, review last three donation dates to determine the day of week preference and acknowledge their preferred day.

If Giving Donor Centers The Priority

  1. In looking at the last three donation locations, if the donor has ever given at a donor center, offer that center as your first location offer.
  2. If the donor has never gone to a donor center, but in looking at the last three donation locations, a mobile drive is coming up in the next 30 days that the donor has previously attended, offer that drive as your first location offer.
  3. If the donor has not previously donated at a donor center or upcoming mobile drive, assign him or her to a donor center nearest their home based on zip code.
  4. If the donor is assigned to a donor center, review last three donation dates to determine day of week preference and acknowledge their preferred day.

How do you assign donation sites?