Throwin’ It Into Overdrive

Man, it’s just been one of those days.

You know, the kind of day where you plan things to go smoothly, but inevitably it just seems like Murphy’s law is making you its living example. The great thing is that it’s days like this that provide the opportunity to be your best, punch procrastination in the face and grab life by the horns. Leaders excel in these moments. What can I say? I also tend to produce my personal best in the middle of confusion and disarray.

When it seems like your workload is crashing down around you, and your laundry list of responsibilities is growing to epic proportions, keep your head up. “A positive attitude will create positive results,” proclaims one of my Incept coworkers, Crystal. She is absolutely right. Negativity will only hinder your performance at anything.

Tonight I saw a blog post by Nate Riggs, entitled 5 Survival Tips for Work Overload (Please Add More). It hit the spot for me, mentally speaking, and I can definitely relate. Here are some more ways to deal with work overload:

  • Know exactly the tasks that need your immediate attention.
  • Stay off of Facebook and Twitter if you do not need them open.
  • Remember why you like your job.
  • Remember your own personal goals and what you are working for.
  • Take a step outside for a minute of fresh air.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep when not working.
  • Remember positive persistence and tenacity is the key to producing excellent results.
  • Give yourself a final reward for completing your tasks.

It is always good to have a plan to follow. However, sometimes things can get crazy, and you’ll need to revise your current plan or create a new one. When that happens, do not fear. Instead, take a leader’s stance on things. Do not go with the flow, control the paddle! We are all in charge of our own success!

Also check out Nate Riggs’ blog. He’s a cool guy. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go treat myself to my reward for the day: a big Chipotle burrito.

What else would you add to the list?