Getting To Know Allison Legg

With all of the new faces coming through the doors, I find that I can lose track of who I’ve had the privilege of meeting. I always like to find the new graduates from training and introduce myself to them. If I have missed anyone, I would like to take this opportunity to make up for it!

Hello, my name is Allison Legg, and I’m a Program Results Supervisor here at Incept.

What do I do here? Well, I work mainly with ITxM, which is comprised of two of our clients, Central Blood Bank andLifesource. I do all I can to help Incept and ITxM meet their respective goals while working with you guys, the Conversational Marketing Experts (CMEs), to help you take ownership of this program as well.

You will see me out in the rows a lot, coaching, educating and motivating. My passion is to help all of you get even better at what you’re already doing well, and I take this responsibility very seriously. If you need help, let me know! If I am unable to give you the answer or help you need, I will find someone who can.

Part of the reason that I love working at Incept is because of the atmosphere; it is one in which I can provide this help to all of you. Incept believes that work should be enjoyable, and so do I. Having fun in the rows, getting prizes and enjoying games and contests are all things that you will find on any given day here at Incept. I love to work in an environment where employees can enjoy such frequent rewards for their hard work.

I also really enjoy working at Incept, because I believe in Incept’s values. Integrity, being never satisfied, compassion, treating everyone like a customer, being present, and having tenacity are all important parts of life both in and out of work. I try to live all of these values in my day-to-day life, and I believe that the workplace is a better environment when it is run with such high standards.

If I haven’t had the pleasure of making your acquaintance yet, you can find me here at Incept throughout the week, and I’d love to meet you. Stop me to ask a question, get more information or just to say “Hi!” I’m always up for a friendly conversation!