Blood Donor Recruitment Tips: Effectively Segmenting Your Donor Base

Getting a hold of your blood donors can be a tough job. Everyone seems to be a lot more busy these days, making it hard to reach them and let them know you need their blood donations. However, there is one terrific way you can leverage your blood donor recruitment process to help get a hold of your donors: segmenting your donor base.

Here are few examples we have used at Incept:

Segmenting By Donation Time Elapsed:Segmenting your database by the amount of time that has elapsed since a donor last donated—the “Donation Time Elapsed”—allows your script to present your tele-recruiter with the most important information to that donor. Best practices suggest classifying donors using the following categories:

  • New Donors: No previous donations on file
  • Current Donors: 0-24 months since last donation
  • Lapsed Donors: 24-48 months since last donation
  • Super-Lapsed Donors: 48+ months since last donation

Donors’ response rates and show rates are affected by the amount of time it’s been since they last donated. Current donors, for example, are typically the most responsive and have the highest show rates.

Segmenting by Phone Type: Segmenting your database by whether the phone number on record is a day, evening, or cell number allows your tele-recruiters or predictive dialer to choose the best time of day to place the call.

The past 30 years have seen the rise of the mobile phone and decline of the landline. This ongoing shift has significantly impacted people’s behavior. It has changed the way we carry out nearly every aspect of daily life. Calling mobile phones is a great way to help boost your contact rate with your donors.

Segmenting by Donor Site: Segmenting your database by the sites where donors have donated allows you to determine the best location to reschedule. After all, previous donation sites are likely to be convenient the next time as well.

Segmenting Donors by Prime Time Contact: Calling donors at the prime time is critical. Calling when they are sleeping, making dinner, or working will frustrate them as well as your tele-recruiters. It will also lower productivity rates and waste precious resources.

Your database needs to record the times when prior conversations with donors have taken place. This allows your dialer to call donors only at appropriate times. It also allows you to determine your area’s “prime time” for staffing purposes.

Implementing these strategies into your blood donor recruitment strategy will help your recruiters get a hold of more contacts and bring in more blood donors.

Try it, and watch your results increase!