HOW TO Recruit High School Blood Donors During the Summer

School’s out…for summer! But don’t worry, it is not out forever! During the summer, blood collections can see a decrease, especially since there are not high school blood drives. However, there are a few things your blood center can do to ensure collection goals are still being met.

  1. Have blood drives where high schoolers are in the summertime. During the summer, students are working summer jobs, hanging out with their friends, going to the mall, eating out more – basically doing things out of their homes. Make sure you are having blood drives at the mall, at different restaurants, and at different stores. Just go where they are. Since they are loyal donors during the school year, they will probably donate if they see you having a drive where they happen to be.
  2. EDUCATION! During the school year, make sure you are educating students on the importance of their donations, especially those made during the summer months. Let them know that during the summer they can come to the closest donor center to donate and can also attend any mobile they see out.
  3. Schedule their summer appointment at the last blood drive of the school year. Have your phlebotomists come prepared at that last blood drive of the year to get the student scheduled for a summer appointment at their local donor center or a blood mobile that is convenient for them. This makes it easy for the student, and, with reminder calls, they shouldn’t forget that they will be donating.
  4. Adjust your promotions. If a student donates during the summer, offer them double points or provide gift certificates for activities that they will want to do in the summer. This will help encourage them to keep donating.

These are just a few things to try with your center to help keep students donating during the summer. What suggestions have you tried to improve collections during the summer?