Segmenting for Blood Donor Recruitment

Segmentation for blood donor recruitment is essential. It allows for calling to be more strategic and contacting a donor more likely for our Conversational Marketing Experts (CMEs). Consider the three following segmentation themes when putting together your next strategy.

Segmenting By Phone Type

Segmenting your database by whether the phone number on record is a day, evening, or cell number allows your tele-recruiters or predictive dialer to choose the best time of day to place the call.

The past 30 years have seen the rise of the mobile phone and decline of the landline. This ongoing shift has significantly impacted people’s behavior. It has changed the way we carry out nearly every aspect of daily life.

The increase of mobile phone usage has also significantly changed communication with donors.

Segmenting By Donation Type

Segmenting your database by the type of donation each donor should give allows your telerecruiters to only call donors who are appropriate to your current campaign. It also allows your script to match a donor’s attributes and the donor center’s need with the proper conversation.

The script should consider a donor’s gender (for platelet donations), blood type, and last three donation types.

Additionally, when calling donors for double red cell or platelet donations, a flag should be added to the donor’s profile if he or she doesn’t meet the requirements to give an automated donation. Donors with this flag on their records will then be recruited for whole blood only.

Segmenting Donors By Prime Contact Time

Calling donors at the prime time is critical. Calling when they are sleeping, making dinner, or working will frustrate them as well as your tele-recruiters. It will also lower productivity rates and waste precious resources.

Your database needs to record the times when prior conversations with donors have taken place. This allows your dialer to call donors only at appropriate times. It also allows you to determine your area’s “prime time” for staffing purposes.

How do you segment your donors?