The Not-So-Terrible Twos: Lessons from My Second Year at Incept

The time goes so quickly!

It’s hard to believe that it’s been two years since I started out as a Program Results Supervisor in the Contact Center. My first year at Incept laid the foundation of who we are and what we do, but during my second year, as I transitioned from the Contact Center to the Client Results team, I developed a better understanding of how to take that knowledge and use it to help our clients reach their goals.

When toddlers go through their “terrible twos,” they learn tons of new information and develop many new skills. Even though I didn’t throw any tantrums last year, I can definitely relate. Here are a few very specific lessons that I learned in my second year at Incept:

  • Set clear expectations. Whether I’m working with a client, my boss or my teammates, I’ve learned how important it is to make sure we are all on the same page in terms of expectations. It’s important to ask what they expect from you, and let them know what you expect from them. For every project, establish the end goal and create guidelines, timelines and ownership. This will prevent any confusion and ensure that everyone understands what will be done, by whom and when it will be completed.
  • Support it with numbers. No matter what your claim is, or what your hunch may be, you need to back it up with some type of data. When you suspect a trend, dig for the data and find out for sure. If you can, take it one step further and get comparable data from a similar client, from a similar time period last year or from a similar project. Doing this will make your claim even stronger and give you better perspective for trends and comparisons.
  • Get a hobby. About halfway through my second year, I found myself working very long hours most days of the week. I love what I do and the people I work with, so I really enjoy being in the office, but I began to understand the importance of staying present. I found activities outside of work that not only kept me entertained but allowed me to reduce stress as well.

I learned a lot during the past year, and I still have a lot of learning left to do. My third year at Incept is going to present many opportunities, challenges and unique situations. I can’t wait to share them with you at this time next year!