Your Actions Speak Your Character

I consider myself a loudmouth.

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been told I’m too loud or to quiet down or that I have a voice that resonates, I might not be typing this blog. But it is in my genetic code to be a people person. I genuinely enjoy interacting with new people, and do not mind striking up a conversation with strangers. If you remember, it is all about finding common grounds to break the ice when it comes to embrace being conversational. On the other side of the wide social spectrum, there are people who – while they might know how to be conversational – prefer to live out a “speak softly, but carry a big stick” kind of mantra and can remain quite reserved in their social interactions.

Recently at Incept, one of the committees that I am involved in helps promote core company values, put on a company-wide ice cream social to raise money for Akron Children’s Hospital. A rather sweet idea came into play in an effort to support one of our core values – compassion – while having fun and boosting company morale on a hot, summer day.

We turned the break room into a makeshift ice cream parlor. The Reese’s peanut butter, Hershey’s and Magic Shell syrup all flowed like a flash flood while Butterfinger, Oreo bits and sprinkles hailed down to find their final resting place upon miniature hilltops and hummocks of ice cream. It was an enjoyable and very sweet experience, to say the least. However, it was a moment somewhere between restocking the whipped cream and vanilla that I remember the most out of that day.

A fellow Incept CME (Conversational Marketing Expert) approached me with his wallet out. After no hesitation and little plunder, he presented a crisp, neat five-dollar bill to me and said, “I don’t want any ice cream, but keep this.” Needless to say, I was a little taken aback. We were only charging one dollar a scoop (free toppings, as well), so he could have gotten a huge sundae! Obviously, though, this wasn’t about ice cream. This was a simple, random act of kindness that really did influence me.

The CME (Conversational Marketing Expert) who gave me the money is the type of guy that comes to work every day. He does his job and always looks for any way he can improve. And when it comes down to it, he is a quiet and generally very meek and reserved kind of guy.

I just wanted to type about this today, because I felt touched. It wasn’t a huge, earth-shattering good deed, but the thing about a good deed is that it doesn’t have to be grand to be good! This was an action that clearly was from this guy’s better graces. Not only that, but he clearly was living Incept’s value of compassion. That’s something I won’t forget for a long, long time.

What is a good deed you have witnessed someone else do?

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