Blood Donor Recruitment Tip: Sorting Your Call Lists for Maximum Results

How do you improve your blood donor recruitment efforts? We have heard and shared numerous ways to effectively recruit blood donors over the phone. From using the LAMA technique to educating donors about their blood type, there are many ways to improve your results when you are speaking to a donor.

However, there are also important processes and strategies that take place “behind the scenes” of the phone call that are designed to improve contact rates and have your recruiters speaking to as many donors as possible. One of these strategies is to sort your call lists so that you are calling the right donors at the right time.

Sorting your call lists doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. Essentially, you want to avoid calling the same donors in the same order every day. Here are a few options that can easily be implemented right away to your blood donor recruitment efforts:

  • Prioritize donors who have given more recently by sorting by “last donation date”.
  • To focus on inventory needs, sort by blood type.
  • Sort by city, state, or zip code if there are certain areas and donor centers that need special attention.
  • If you do not call completely through your list on a regular basis, sort the list so that the highest-priority donors will be contacted.
  • Consider sorting by how many times you have attempted to call donors. Donors with one or two attempts should be called before a donor who has been called three or more times.

Sorting your lists effectively will ensure that you are prioritizing donors correctly and maximizing your contact rates. Each donor base is unique, so test several of these options, and find the strategy that works best for your team!

Try this and watch your results increase!

For more information about LAMA, please visit McKee Consulting LLC