Five Reasons Why Donating Blood At A Donor Center Is Better Than Donating At Mobile Drives

At Incept, we specialize in recruiting blood donors. Oftentimes our clients will request that we recruit blood donors to their fixed site donor centers.

When a blood donor donates at a donor center, it is often more beneficial for the blood center that operates that donor center simply because they have the blood right there at the center to be sent off to their labs for testing (to make sure it is safe). This eliminates many hassles and challenges associated with setting up a mobile blood drive, not to mention transporting and maintaining donations.

Why You Should Donate at a Donor Center (When You Can)

  1. A donor center is a fixed location. The donor center will typically be at that location allowing donors to come in whenever they become eligible instead of waiting for a specific mobile (which may stop hosting drives). This helps encourage donors to come in every 56 days or as soon as they are eligible. Additionally, this helps the blood centers collect more units of blood over time.
  2. Donor centers are open more often. Therefore, they can be more convenient for the donors. They are typically open weekdays and weekends, as well as evenings. This allows the donor to choose a time that works best for their schedule.
  3. Donor centers are typically have more staff members. Because of the schedule of the donor centers, they typically have more phlebotomists at the center on any given day. The same phlebotomists generally work at one specific donor center too, which allows them to get to know the regular donors who come in to that location.
  4. Donor centers are more comfortable. Due to the compact feeling of the mobile drives, the wide open feel of donors centers can seem to be much more comfortable. With donor centers, they have more comfortable cots, as well as stations for the health history questionnaire and review.
  5. Some donor centers offer child play areas for self-sustaining children. This allows parents to bring their children with them to donate. This not only encourages a parent to come in to donate, but it also helps instill the values of the importance of donating blood to a child, which will hopefully continue into the child’s adulthood.

There are several perks to donating blood in general, as well as at a donor center or even at a mobile location. The important thing is that people donate blood to help save the lives of others.