Incept Gives: Welcoming Home Local Heroes for the Holidays

It’s been a busy time lately for the members of the Incept Gives Board.

Between holiday parties, shopping for the children of the Angel Tree program and preparing for the new year to come, I don’t think I’ve had time to really slow down and be thankful for what I have. On top of everything, I’ve been running around trying to get ready for the holidays, buying presents and wrapping gifts, it’s just been one big blur.

But on Tuesday, December 21st, I was given a rare chance to clear my to-do list and give back to people who deserve my thanks. I joined the Incept Gives Board, members of the Incept family, the American Red Cross Stark County Chapter and the Blue Star Mothers of North Canton in welcoming home local members of our armed forces, as they flew into the Akron-Canton Airport to spend the holidays with their families.

Our “Welcome Wagon” set up camp in the lobby of the airport with signs, banners, balloons and gifts. Each time a member of the military walked down the terminal past us, the Blue Star Mothers sprang into action. There were hugs, handshakes, cards and balloons given to every last soldier who came home that night.

Incept was on hand to provide a small token of our appreciation to those brave men and women returning home.

I gained a tremendous sense of appreciation for everything our troops do, from the soldiers on the front lines in Afghanistan to the logistical troops here stateside, every one of you deserves a hug and a thank you. You are heroes in every sense of the word!

I’d like to extend an additional thank you to the fabulous people at the American Red Cross Stark County Chapter, the Volunteer and Military Family Manager there (Melissa Seibert), and the Blue Star Mothers of North Canton. Your compassion made a lasting impression on me! Thank you so much for inviting us. Of course, I’d also like to say thank you to all the members of the Incept family for making it possible for us to go participate in such a great event!

Most importantly, to all of our troops: Thank You! I hope you have a safe and happy new year!