Compassion: Incept’s Employees Leading by Example

Everyone holds their own values and beliefs.

At Incept, one of the most important values we believe in is compassion. Compassion isn’t just a company value, but one our employees show on a regular basis. On March 31st, our very own Jeremiah Cerny stepped up to show everyone just how it’s done.

It started out as a challenge. One of Jeremiah’s friends was attending a fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), a group dedicated to finding a cure for muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other similar diseases, at Carrabba’s Italian Grill here in Canton, Ohio. Not only did he dare Jeremiah to attend, but he also made the mistake of challenging Jeremiah to see who could raise the most money. Considering he was one of our conversational marketing experts (CME) and now a conversational quality representative, Jeremiah couldn’t let that challenge go unanswered. And so the telethon began.

Attendees were “locked up” at the Carrabba’s and told that if they wanted their freedom, they’d have to “make bail.” It was a battle of wills to see who had the biggest heart and the best phone skills to raise money for the MDA, but Jeremiah – and the MDA, for that matter – emerged victorious. He single-handedly raised more than $300 over the course of the evening and bested his friend. His experience as a blood donor recruiter, as well as his caring and compassionate nature, gave him the edge he needed to reach out to the community and gain their support. All of the money raised was donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

When I asked him about the event, Jeremiah said he enjoyed the chance to put skills he learned here at Incept to the test for a good cause. He also shared that he is already forward to next year’s “lock up,” at which he plans to do even better. Jeremiah also wanted to thank Carrabba’s for hosting the event and supplying delicious food to the event’s participants. Their support really made a difference.

I really want to tip my hat to Jeremiah. He took the time out of his evening off to help others in need. Who would have thought that skills learned at work could have such a positive impact outside of the office? The next time you see Jeremiah, give him a shout-out for his compassion.

What fundraisers for charity have you participated in? Do you have any stories you’d like to share?