Importance of Multichannel Blood Donor Recruitment

Importance of Multichannel Blood Donor Recruitment

Blood donor recruitment isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy. Methods that get some donors through your door may not work for the others, so you’ll want to make sure you have all of your bases covered! From Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, phones, (and more!), there’s a whole world of blood donor recruitment to be explored!

Image vs. Video Advertisements | Which ad type engages blood donors best?

Image vs. Video Advertisements | Which ad type engages blood donors best?

Recruiting blood donors has become more difficult because donors are not as likely to answer phone calls, but blood banks still need those blood donation appointments to help save lives. This is where digital marketing can help. Digital marketing has allowed blood centers to recruit blood donors on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. But, does your company know what ad type engages best with blood donors on social media platforms? We have found some interesting insights between image and video advertisements that can help your team successfully recruit blood donors online.

Top 3 Ad Themes That Drive Blood Donors Into Your Donor Center

Top 3 Ad Themes That Drive Blood Donors Into Your Donor Center

Getting blood donors through the door can be a challenge, but when you know what tactics to start with, it can be a breeze. As an expert in the blood donor recruitment space, we’ve seen specific ad themes across multiple blood bank clients that tug at the heartstrings of donors and get them to make that final step of scheduling an appointment and coming to donate at your blood center. We’re going to highlight the top 3 ad themes to drive blood donors into your donor center.

Successfully Recruiting a Younger Donor Demographic With Snapchat

Successfully Recruiting a Younger Donor Demographic With Snapchat

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many blood centers were forced to cancel mobile drives held at high schools and colleges, causing a drastic decrease in total blood donations, many of which came from donors under the age of 25.

While our client had been utilizing hyper-targeted campaigns to reach specific custom donor audiences with Facebook and Instagram ads, tele-recruitment, and texting, it was still challenging to engage that younger segment of donors that seemed to have all but disappeared. Based on donor channel preferences, the majority of donors engaged with their existing campaigns were age 30 and above.

How to Handle Call Blocking and Answer Rates for Blood Donor Recruitment

How to Handle Call Blocking and Answer Rates for Blood Donor Recruitment

There’s frequent, changing legislation around phone calls. The legislation is aimed at protecting consumers from scams and fraudulent calls, which is something we can all get behind! However, some of these new regulations are having unintended consequences to legitimate businesses as a result. The biggest impact of all of this is in call blocking and answer rates. In order to have conversations with your customers, you need to be prepared to adapt regularly to these new regulations!

Trending Donor Recruitment Topics Discussed at Imagine 2020

Trending Donor Recruitment Topics Discussed at Imagine 2020

And just like that, another successful Imagine Blood Bank Summit has come and gone. We are always excited to show off Cleveland and it’s even more fun when we get to share up-and-coming trends as well as collaborating with industry leaders!

If you are in the blood donation industry and haven’t been able to attend an Imagine Summit, we invite you to attend next year! Below are some of the conversation highlights that really kept our attendees engaged and talking.

Hitting Goal: Using alternative channels to recruit donors

Hitting Goal: Using alternative channels to recruit donors

Incept's client struggled to hit their unit goal like so many blood centers dealing with changes in donor behavior, regulation, and industry pressures. In an attempt to improve recruitment they were open to trying something new and experimenting with different recruitment channels. Because of the changes made in 2019, Incept’s client hit their overall unit goal for the first time in ten years!

That's A Wrap!

That's A Wrap!

Each year Incept engages with blood centers across the nation to ensure safe blood supplies throughout the holiday season.  Inactive donor lists are released, new ideas are tested out, and promotions soar.  One advantage is that Incept gets to hear about all the different things non-profits try during the season to increase both blood and financial donations so we thought we’d share a unique idea.

Every year blood donations decrease over the holidays largely due to the hustle and bustle of the season.  Donors spend a considerable amount of time out shopping for the perfect gift for loved ones and time is at a premium for everyone!  It is estimated that Americans spend an average of 15 hours each shopping and 4 hours wrapping!

5 Things We've Learned About Recruiting Blood Donors On Facebook

5 Things We've Learned About Recruiting Blood Donors On Facebook

Recruiting blood donors on Facebook is a key part of many blood centers' marketing mix. With 1 billion daily active users, it's likely the best place to attract, engage, and convert a broad range or precisely targeted donors.  

We've partnered with several blood centers to launch new Facebook campaigns with the goal of recruiting more blood donors in a way that's less intrusive than telerecruitment calls and at a lower cost per acquisition. This journey has been one of great learning and we want to share it with you. 

'Golden Arm' Blood Donor Retires After Saving 2.4 Million Babies

'Golden Arm' Blood Donor Retires After Saving 2.4 Million Babies

On May 11, 2018, James Harrison gave his 1,173rd and final blood donation, a habit he committed to for the last 60 years.

Known as "The Man With the Golden Arm," Harrison's blood contains a rare antibody that is used as a component of a lifesaving medication called Anti-D, used to protect unborn babies from potentially deadly blood incompatible with their pregnant mothers. 

What's Driving My Donors to Donate? | Marketing Attribution for Blood Centers

What's Driving My Donors to Donate? | Marketing Attribution for Blood Centers

TV spots, Facebook posts, tele-recruitment... oh my! You're trying to be channel agnostic and engage your donors in every way possible to try and hit goal and save lives in your community. 

But what's driving your blood donors to schedule an appointment at your blood center? What's driving them to keep that appointment? The most effective blood center marketing teams are using marketing attribution techniques to determine which channels (or which mixture of channels) are driving in blood donations.  

#RelationshipsMatter | Employee Spotlight: Dave Walter

#RelationshipsMatter | Employee Spotlight: Dave Walter

Incept is a place where relationships matter. We're a creative, diverse, and engaging community uniting more than 200 team members with Fortune 500 companies, blood centers, and B2B sales teams across the United States and we want to share some of the stories from the people that make this team great every day.

Today we bring you Dave Walter, Incept's Vice President of Operations.

#RelationshipsMatter | Employee Spotlight: Heidi Dougherty

#RelationshipsMatter | Employee Spotlight: Heidi Dougherty

Incept is a place where relationships matter. We're a creative, diverse, and engaging community uniting more than 200 team members with Fortune 500 companies, blood centers, and B2B sales teams across the United States and we want to share some of the stories from the people that make this team great every day.

Today we bring you Heidi Dougherty, Incept's Director of Client Results.

Why Can't I Reach My Donors? | 4 Reasons Why Contact Rates Have Decreased In The Last Year

Why Can't I Reach My Donors? | 4 Reasons Why Contact Rates Have Decreased In The Last Year

Have you noticed that your donors haven't been as willing to answer the phone recently? You're using the same tele-recruitment strategy that you've used for years and yet your contact rate has dropped off at an alarming rate. What gives?

Here are 4 reasons for decreased contact rates that we're seeing in the marketplace and an idea about how to combat it: