Using Active Listening Skills In Blood Donor Recruitment

Using Active Listening Skills In Blood Donor Recruitment

While on the phones, it’s very easy to be distracted because there is a lot of multitasking that goes into being a Conversational Marketing Expert (CME). However, as a CME, one of your main jobs is to actively listen to what the donor is saying to you. You cannot have a productive conversation with the donor unless you listen to their side of the story. Without listening, you are not having a conversation; you are talking at the donor.

Staying Positive When Learning New Blood Donor Recruitment Programs

Staying Positive When Learning New Blood Donor Recruitment Programs

Whenever you are being trained on a new program, it is important to remain calm and positive. The way you approach a new program will ultimately lead to the whether you have a good outcome or a bad outcome. There are many things that may keep a person from being positive about being trained in a new program, but it is important to always maintain a positive outlook.

Incept: A Family-Oriented Workplace

Incept: A Family-Oriented Workplace

Many workplaces have a certain atmosphere, whether it be a family-oriented atmosphere, professional atmosphere, or both! Here at Incept, we are one gigantic family, and that is the exact reason why I love it here so much. When anyone has a birthday, an anniversary, or just does a phenomenal job on the phones, you know about it and you celebrate with them. More often than not, we even get Sam Falletta, the CEO of the company, to sign the birthday cards.

Why It’s Important To Reschedule Blood Donors

Why It’s Important To Reschedule Blood Donors

In today’s society it is not uncommon to have a busy schedule. So oftentimes when you are on the phones you will have to second-attempt a donor when they explain that they are too busy to donate. When a donor who is too busy to donate agrees to schedule a blood donation, it is imperative that you explain the importance of rescheduling in case they are unable to make it to their appointment.

Blood Donor Recruitment: How To Make Every Call Your Best Call

The trick to making every call your best call is treating each call with the same amount of enthusiasm. Listen to your donor, and fully take the opportunity to address any and all concerns, as well as truly hear what they are saying. Have you ever received a call and felt like the person on the other end wasn’t listening to you? Most people will answer yes to this question. We don’t want our donors to feel that way about us.

Calling Donors With The Right Donation Type

Calling Donors With The Right Donation Type

Calling donors in order to get the donation type that is most in need can be done simply if you have the right resources. Your database should be segmented by each donor’s blood type, last three donation types, and gender. If you have the luxury of scripting software and an automatic dialer, the scripter should be able to utilize this data to prompt the dialer to call only qualified donors and to serve an appropriate script to your tele-recruiters.

Conversational Quality For Blood Donor Recruitment

Begin thinking of what your tele-recruiters do as ”having conversations” rather than “making calls.” A call is of good quality if it’s dialed correctly. A conversation is of good quality if it engages another person and both parties learn something of value. Such conversations build strong relationships, in this case between your blood center and the donor. That’s what you’re really after.